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Flume Gorge Waterfall

  Flume Gorge Waterfall
Flume Gorge Waterfall
Taken on vacation in NH this past summer. Did some minor tweaking in MGI PhotoSuite 4.0 (cloned out tourist & adjusted brightness/contrast).

Marcie A. Fowler


John Black

Hey Marcie, Really like the corner to corner composition with the water running from the top right to the bottom left. Strong complimentary elements in the opposite corners with the path and fence to balance the image. You will want to be careful with the contrast as there are some burned highlights right in the middle of the falls. Good work on removing the tourist, checked it out and I can't tell for sure where that person was standing. Overall, nicely done.

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November 14, 2003


Marcie A. Fowler
  Thanks for the compliments and the advice about contrast. This is all new for me as it is a long time hobby that I've just decided to bump up a couple notches and I'm a complete novice at computer "alterations". I'll take any advice anyone can give.

The tourist was leaning against the fence in the upper left corner.

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November 14, 2003

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