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Category: Friendly Praise Archive

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Grabber 2: Style

  Grabber 2: Style
Grabber 2: Style
The woman's face is what I like most about the image, plus the sort of "quirky" composition. Among those I have shown this to, they are divided (no punn intended!) regarding the pole - it's a door frame - down the center. Some like as it isolates the subject adding to the story, some don't. I don't mind it. Regardless, no way to avoid it given the circumstances and my PS skills aren't good enough to remove it. Focal length [mm]: 100, ISO value: 400, Shutter speed [s]: 1/8 with IS, Aperture: F5.6.

Jeff Seltzer


Sandra Freyler

Love your perspective on this image, Jeff! Wonderful black and white image! Great work!

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December 14, 2005

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