Photo Discussion
Category: How'd You Do That?

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moon frame

  moon frame
moon frame

Tony Sweet


Maya Johnson

How do you get such good definition on the moon? every time I try to take pics of the moon, I get white blobs of light!

Beautiful photo

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February 23, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  The trick is to under-expose or use spot metering on the moon itself with a relatively short shutter speed and a high aperture.

As it is lit by the sun it is actually extremely bright, so when using multipoint metering (as most cameras do by default) it will try to expose for the dark sky and burn out the moon completely.

Hope that helps.

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February 25, 2005


Maya Johnson
  it does! thanks... I will attempt to figure out how to shut off my meter on my camera..(gotta find the manual)..

then I should be able to do it!

Thanks again!

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February 25, 2005

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