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Category: Friendly Praise Archive

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The South Slope Editor's Pick  
The South Slope
The South Slope

An elk skull lies at the edge of one of Cape Blanco’s 100+ feet high sea cliffs. Stormy tides have piled huge driftwood logs at the high tide line on the beach far below. The landscape is void of much vegetation higher than a few inches, because of extreme winds. It is a harsh environment there… where across the expansive scenery… the lighthouse beacon flashes faithfully every 20 seconds… as its massive Fresnel lens rotates.

Quote of the Day: “What a fine lesson is conveyed to the mind -- to take no note of time but by its benefits, to watch only for the smiles and neglect the frowns of fate, to compose our lives of bright and gentle moments, turning always to the sunny side of things, and letting the rest slip for our imaginations, unheeded or forgotten! How different from the common art of self-tormenting!” ~William Hazlitt

Nikon D700, 20 mm f/2.8D Lens @ f/11, 1/500 second exposure. ISO 200. (8/19/2012, 3:35 PM. Cape Blanco, Oregon, USA)

Randall J. Scholten


Jack Gaskin



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August 24, 2012

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