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Category: Friendly Praise Archive

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Sunrise at the River Bend Editor's Pick  
Sunrise at the River Bend
Sunrise at the River Bend

It was a still morning along the Sixes River, as I sat on the rocks watching the sky, with its hint of pink being reflected on the mirror-like surface. The vegetation on the river banks seemed to have an enchanting yellow-green glow in the early light. And some hardy daisies had managed to grow and bloom from between the rocks in the foreground, to further enhance the scene. It was a peaceful and calming moment there… in the thoughtful quiet of the morning.

Quote of the Day: “Now I begin to feel that all that is important comes in quietness and waiting; and that activity should be only the working out, the digesting and putting forth of what one learned, so that one may become empty again to receive more.” ~Rodney Collin

Nikon D700, 20 mm f/2.8D Lens @ f/3.2, 1/40 second exposure. ISO 400. (6/24/2012, 5:34 AM. Sixes River, Port Orford, Oregon, USA)

Randall J. Scholten


Michelle Alton

The lighting is just perfectly grand, Randall. Breathtaking view.

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June 26, 2012

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