Photo Discussion
Category: Constructive Critique

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Format 4V

  Format 4V
Format 4V
Sun 6:00pm. Park in Mt. View, CA. Photoshop filter dry brush and texturized.

Karen N. Guertin

- Roxie Guilhamet

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Roxie Guilhamet
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I actually like both formats, since you've positioned the girl to the right with room to move in both. Amazing how you can capture two moods with two similar but very different shots. The horizontal frame, which evokes feelings of stability, peace, and tranquility, matches her posture, creating a contemplative mood. The mood in the vertical format is UP—she's looking up, with a skip up, and it looks like she might throw the hoop up. Nice that you've left room for the hoop to fly.

Much of the power in both shots come from their simplicity. The brilliant green with a touch of red is wonderful and her black and white clothing is the perfect fit. Small quantities of black and white are usually an asset to a color picture. They help intensify the other colors. Good job both ways!

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August 07, 2011

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