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Pas de Deux Editor's Pick  
Pas de Deux
Pas de Deux
is French for "Step of Two" and is what partnering is called in ballet. This partnering is a dance of love.

What was done:
Selected the body of the green peahen for cutting and pasting but without the 'comb,' which gave me great difficulties due to the size and closeness of the pixels. Then, I selected the “brush” and using transform scaled and rotated it into position. For the comb, itself, I isolated and selected some of the easier interior portions, and saving them as an alpha channel on their own, pasted them below the “brush.” At 600%, using the pencil tool, the “brush” was penciled into position. At viewing range, online, it looked the same. But, of course, it cannot be enlarged.

Perhaps, someday I'll learn how this can be done without the collapsing of the interior paths during the selection process. But for now, this is the best I can do in digital darkroom. This image will be revisited as my skills increase.

Bunny Snow - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
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Terrific work Bunny... Glad you stuck with it!

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May 22, 2010


Bunny Snow
  Thanks, Chris. So happy you shared your suggestion. It created a rebirth of possibilities.

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May 22, 2010


Teri Klinger
  i love a showoff!!! [especilly peacocks! :)] great clarity and color here

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May 24, 2010


Bunny Snow
  Thank you, Teri.
I wish I could have captured all of her sharply. With my glasses on, the head and neck appears sharp to me, but the chest and abdomen, does not . . . unfortunately.

I tried positioning her differently, but she looked strange just coming into the scene with only the neck and head in, the rest out. She also needs to be posed at a 45 degree angle to allow her to appear slimmer, as the light drapes across her body. But, that would be pure luck. I don't think peacocks can be posed. [LOL]

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May 24, 2010

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