Photo Discussion
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Victor J.

Most animal shots are done at the animal's eye level. Trying to maintain a plain background or a shallow depth of field. In this case a slight 3/4 view of his face so as not to have it in the shade. Realize that a dark fur requires a lot of light to bring out any texture. Never the less I envy you having Panzer. I love dogs. Vic

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March 05, 2004


BetterPhoto Member
  Hello Vic,
Thanks so much for your help. Yes, I will follow your advice, and I am sure my pictures will improve. Panzer is a lot older now, and I have noticed that the pictures that I take never come out right. The pictures of my little Boston Terrier (Charlie) are always so much better. Making sure the background is plain or going for the shallow depth of field is what I will do in the future. I am looking at a picture that I just took off the wall and sure enough there is no texture in fur and eyes don't stand out. Thanks! Karen

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March 05, 2004

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