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Photography Question 

jean ray

Problems with Dust??? on Slides

I bought an Epson 3170 scanner a few months back and started scanning both prints and slides. The image quality is very good, except that with slides, usually mainly in light colored areas, there is a lot of specks and spots. At first I was scanning old slides so I thought they were dusty, but no amount of compressed air or magnetic brushes seem to help much. Since, I've taken new slides right out of the box and had the same problem. Is this the scanner? Would I have the same problem with a film scanner? Is there any answer other than tedious retouching in photoshop? I appreciate any help with this.

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June 07, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Try brushing each side of the slide with a dry Q-Tip. Brush lightly in one direction toward the darkest part of the image, then give each side a blast with the compressed air to remove residual hairs of cotton the brushing might have left.

After cleaning, hold the slide up to a bright light, or on a light box, and examine it carefully with a loupe...(An inverted 50mm lens works great for this.) If some specs still remain, you may need a software program like Digital ICE to remove them during the scanning process.

A dedicated film scanner might be a worthwile option to consider to improve the overall quality of your scans.

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June 07, 2004

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