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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Stuart U

Digital Cameras and Filters

I am fairly new to photography, enjoying my Cannon PowerShot A70. I would like to know about ways to increase the rich blue color of the sky so that there is greater contrast with the clouds. Also, I would like to reduce glare from leaves on tree, etc. Is a filter the way to do this? What type? Any help is appreciated.


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May 26, 2004


Bob Cammarata
A polarizing filter over the lens is what most people would recommend in both scenarios. It will darken the blue in the sky and help to minimize reflected glare.

You can also try metering manually off the blue in the sky, and under-exposing 1/3 stop from that setting.
The blue will intensify, while keeping your white clouds white.

The enclosed examples were shot without any filtration.
If the sun is at your back, your foreground should come out OK, since it's being illuminated by the sun behind you...(as in the first example).
When the sun is overhead or in front of you, the foreground and surrounding landscape will under-expose, so try not to include much of it in the scene...(see second example).

Also, reflected glare can be minimized or eliminated by changing your position so that you are shooting at a right angle to the sun. Glare will be at its least from that direction.

Hope this helps.

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May 26, 2004


Bob Cammarata
Problem loading examples...Will try again.

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May 26, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Uploads not working,...Sorry. :(

If you want to see what I was referring to, you can check them out on my web site..."Pastoral", and "Cloudscape".

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May 26, 2004

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