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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How do I shoot performers with no flash

I would like to photgraph my daughters on stage during a dance competition. Flash photography is out of the question, so what would you reccommend for a Nikon FM2 with a Zoom 35-105mm lens?

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May 18, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  That depends on how brightly lit the auditorium will be. You will need at least 1/250 to freeze normal dance steps, and probably 1/500 for leaps or faster routines.
400 speed print film should work. When you get into position, take meter readings from f-5.6 to whatever your widest aperture is to see what shutter speeds are possible. If you cannot achieve 1/500, shoot the roll at ISO-800 and tell the processor to push it one stop.

(Note: If you will be using slide film, you will need to compensate for the available lighting with tungsten-balanced film, or by using a blue 80-A filter over the lens if the slide film is daylight-balanced.)

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May 18, 2004

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