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Photography Question 

Rose J. Altman

Response to Quiestest SLR Response

Thank you for responding Jon. It is the mirror slap that is a problem because as soon as I take the photo, the slap is heard by the animals & birds, & off they go. That spoils a lot of other photos I could get. Of those you listed, can you recommend which would be quiet for this type of photography? I'm getting frustrated about this problem. Thank you! Rose

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May 17, 2004


Jon Close
  I couldn't tell you with any certainty. I know that my Elan IIe has louder mirror slap than the those other EOS models, and it's not as quiet as a friend's N80 (which is considered very quiet). I have read several reviews commenting on the relative quiet of the mirror/shutter in the A2, original Elan, and Elan 7. Since the Elan 7n/7ne is reputed to be the quietest of Canon's current line of SLRs you can test it at a local store and compare it's noise level to your current camera.

While rare and probably not in the price range you're looking, the EOS RT and EOS 1n RS have no mirror noise at all due to the use of a fixed pellicle mirror.

I don't know if there exists an affordable SLR with completely muffled mirror slap and shutter. I suspect that some users who need ultra quiet operation use the out-of-fashion semi-hard camera cases (close fitting padded leather or vinyl) - like Canon's EH9-L for the Elan II - and/or make a DIY sound deadening wrap for their camera bodies.

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May 17, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  No mirror slap for the RT but the A2 is still quieter even with the A2 mirror. The RT has a custom function, if I remember correctly, that the film won't advance until you take your finger off the button. But that may be to time consuming to take the camera down and try to muffle it with each picture.
But you might be able to make animals less scared if you don't shoot several frames in a row.
Pick your spots. They may notice the sound of one picture, but may not fly off right away.

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May 17, 2004

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