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BetterPhoto Member

Choosing the right new digital SLR

I am looking for a new digital camera. I have owned several in the past like the Kodac DC260, DC290, and DX4900,and the Olympus C720. However, I am looking to definately upgrade into a Digital SLR. I need to be able to shoot action shots in both low light dance theatre and outdoor atheletic situations. I want a fast clear focusing camera, that shoot fast enough fps and continuous shooting like the Nikon D2H, but I'm worried about the relatively low resolution of 4.1 megapix. I have looked at the Nikon D70, & D100 too. I have also looked at the Canon 10D and the Kodak Pro SLRn 14 megapixs, but only 1.7 fps. Help, I need someone who actually knows what they are talking about to help me decide which way I should go. I don't want to under spend, and I don't want to over spend for my needs. However, I don't want to make the wrong choice, and I want a camera I can use in all setings. I'm not a pro, but I want to take pictures like one. What is the best camera for me to buy. The cameras I have owned have all failed miserably at action photography both outside in birghtlight due to slow camera speed in focus and processing, and in low light action. I will need to purchase a high quality zoom lense that gather light like a 2.8. So what do I need Nikon or Canon, D2H or D70/D100, or Cannon 10D or what? Please let me know what your recommendations are, and more importantly why... I don't want to buy technology that is already outdated, or that soon will be, i.e. model replaced within next few months to a year...

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May 12, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  Its the CANON EOS-1DS that seems the camera that can be quite appropriate for your camera specifications. Its got 11.1 megapixels, CMOS technology ( super chip that processes image data and can take 10 consecutive shots ( @ 3 frames per second). Its also compatible with the popular EF lenses ( for their autofocus SLR cameras !) This digital camera will definitely get you going!

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May 13, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  Its the CANON EOS-1DS that seems the camera that can be quite appropriate for your camera specifications. Its got 11.1 megapixels, CMOS technology ( super chip that processes image data and can take 10 consecutive shots ( @ 3 frames per second). Its also compatible with the popular EF lenses ( for their autofocus SLR cameras !) This digital camera will definitely get you going!

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May 13, 2004

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