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Photography Question 

Faye Bishop

How to shoot floors

My Boss does floor sanding and polishing and would like me to take photos of samples of his work for prospective clients and to put on a future web site. I will need to show grain, colour of timber and the shine, reflective features of high gloss finishes and the satin or matt finishes of Satin finishes. Could you advise me as to the best way to do this? Thanks in anticipation.

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April 20, 2004


Chris L. Hurtt
  I would set up with a tripod and shoot at about 1/15 to 1/30 of a second as the sander is moving back and forth. This will blur the sander and lend some movement and excitement to the image while showing the grain of the floor.

Sounds like fun!


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April 21, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Think she meant a finished project. Highly polished floor might need available light if it's a big room and you're trying to shoot the whole floor and not detail. Half way up some stairs or some other high point as a vantage point.
If you need detail and to show texture, you could use a single light with umbrella. Or any single light source coming from the side. you can open a door or window if you don't have lights or anything else. I'd use the umbrella because straight light my be too contrasty.
If you can make the room looked furnished that will make it look more appealing. You don't have to have the whole room. Like a section of the floor with a table,lamb, and chair. Convey the idea of how good a real room looks, and not just a one time sample.

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April 22, 2004

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