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Photography Question 

Kelly A. Rocco

Glow in the dark decals

Does anyone know how to get a glow in the dark image to show up at night?And how to turn off the flash.Asking this question for a friend, I think she turned off the flash, but not sure, and still didnt turn out.

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April 19, 2004


Jon Close
  The answer is dependent on the specific camera used. Some automatic point and shoots are limited by relatively small apertures and shutters that won't stay open longer than 1-4 seconds, so it may not be possible to record a good image of a very dim glow-in-the-dark decal.

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April 19, 2004


Dave Cross
  Hi Kelly.
You can sometimes assist the glow-in-the-dark properties of a decal etc. by exposing it to a very bright light (say, a halogen desk lamp) for a minute of two, the effect doesn't last long but it might be enough to get an acceptable picture.

If your camera has a manual mode set the aperture wide open (small f number) and have the shutter open as long as possible. If you have adjustable ISO set that to maximum as well.

You WILL need to use a tripod.

Let us know how you get on.

Dave C.

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April 22, 2004

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