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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

no camera focus in the dark

I have a nikon N-80 and I photograph weddings on occasion. My problem is when it starts to get dark in the reception hall my camera will not focus all the time. is this something that I am doing or my camera not able to focus in the dark?

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April 15, 2004


Jon Close
  Point & shoot cameras have "active" autofocus that measured distance with an infrared beam. They can focus in total darkness, but generally cannot shoot through glass as the beam reflects of the glass rather than the more distant subject. The active AF system is also optimized for the camera's permanent lens and would not work as well with interchangable lenses.

SLRs, like the N80, use a "passive" autofocus system that reads contrast (phase detection) in the scene through the lens. This system requires a minimum amount of light to work. If conditions are too dim, then you need to use an autofocus assist light, like the one built-in to the N80 (the light next to the grip), or one built-into an accessory speedlight.

The af-assist light on the N80 can be disabled with a custom function, have you (inadvertently) done that? The af-assist light on accessory flashes tend to be more effective than the N80's built-in.

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April 15, 2004

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