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Photography Question 


Mac ????

I am a photographer who is just getting serious about wedding photography. I may be getting a grant to open my own studio soon. I have been told by a bunch of photographers to buy mac stuff. I have been using photoshop on a basic pc computer and don't know my way around an apple computer. Could anyone give me any suggestions as to which to buy. Also, if mac is better, what should I start off with? Computer wise, how much ram, hard drive space? laptop or desk top?



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April 01, 2004



By the questions you are asking, you need to work a little linger in the industry before opening a studio. Going right out of the shoot into digital is a bit risky, to say the least.

I would go film. Let the labs do the work while you work thorough your issues. Then slowly overtime, you will naturally progress into what you need.

Digital photography is harder and more difficult than film when doing large volume. I am told, at times, that I say this because I don't understand digital stuff. While that may be true, I work in IT. I am no dummy. I know my way around a computer, programming code, and photography. I have trouble putting them together.

On small volume, I love it. In fact, through a natural progrssion, I am taking a larger interest in digital photography. And, for many portrait sessions, I am using digital. I like it for low volume. I feel like I have more flexibility and freedom to create images.

But, on large volume, such as a wedding, I still can't see how it works. I have learned how to use the auto functions in PS, but I just can't seem to make it work to my liking. I probably like to tweak and twiddle too much, I don't know. But, the auto-levels function, mostly sucks. It never does it quite right.

I'm not saying that I don't like it. I love it. But, I don't want to sit there and tweak 800 photos.

But, as I said, I am starting to favor my digital for portrait and family sessions.

But, after saying all that, I still feel like I know and understand film way better. The results of my film photos are consistently good.


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April 01, 2004

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