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Photography Question 

Elaine S. Robbins

Finding interesting events to photograph

A few months ago I got a Samsung compact zoom camera (38-145 mm) with all the extras - exposure compensation, mult. exposures, bulb mode, fill flash, "night" mode etc - and I've already gotten some really nice pictures with it. However, I am just starting photography as a hobby and I need some ideas for places to go to get photos - particularly people pictures.

I'm a student in St. Paul, USA (a medium-sized US city) and I don't have any plans for traveling soon. What sort of places are good for getting interesting pictures in your hometown?

Also, from what I've read it seems like the compact I have is a pretty good one; however, what advantages, if any, would be given me by an SLR (aside from the obvious differences - interchangeable lenses, less/no parallelex error etc).

Thank you!

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July 18, 2000


Romen Vargas
  Hmm... I dunno how big your hometown is but what _I_ did was got some film, loaded up the camera, drove around, rode my bike around, walked around and took random photos. Don't think too much about it... just point and shoot, shoot anything from a fence, statue, people, buildings. Go to a cheap processing place (you're not after quality here) and have a look at your pictures...and you will ultimately find yourself thinking: "Gee that would've looked better if...." Once you say that about a few photos, go back and do what you wished you did and print that in a good processing place. You'll end up with photos ranging from landscapes, nature, abstract, etc... (depending on where you live). After a while you'l develop an "eye" for photography and you'll never leave home without your camera (uh oh!!!) 8-)

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July 20, 2000


John A. Lind
  In addition to what Romen mentioned, see if you can get a AAA guide to your area. Assuming this is the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, there should be *plenty* around you from scenic to architectural to sports to candids. I live in a *very* small town and when the shutter finger gets itchy I go to a local park or to the local (and rather small) reservoir. There is no end of opportunities in parks and other recreation areas.

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August 02, 2000

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