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Photography Question 

Kristi Seanor

pregnancy portraits

I have been asked to take some photos of a pregnant friend. She has been pregnant 3x so this is not new for her but myself taking the picture is.... I will be using my Canon Rebel G with 75-300 IS USM lens and would like to use my black backdrop. I am not certain if she will want b&w or color but if b&w is her choice, I have Illford Delta 100 film.... any posing/lighting suggestions???

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March 02, 2004


  This is very tough to do.

I would recommend many poses. Get a ladder and shoot down. Shoot from Below, and shoot staight on. Also, do a lot of profiles. I don't like profiles because it's overdone, but she may like it if it's done nicely.

Also, as a friend, you should know her character. So, bring that out in some way, whether a prop, or something else.

If she has two other kids, and a hubby, get them all in the photo. It's popular now to have the family, including the dog, laying down and you shoot straight down on them.

Profile shots are very hard, but often photos use silk material for them to drape over their belly and blow (with a fan blowing the material back).

Good luck, and let me know how it turns out.

To see examples, just do a search in Google for Maternity Photographers, and you'll get some ideas.


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March 02, 2004


Kristi Seanor
  Jerry, thank you for your suggestions. I will do that search.

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March 02, 2004

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