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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Picture effects

I am trying to learn how to make the subject stand out, and blur the backgroud. Can someone give me some advice on how to make that happen.

Also, can someone recommend some good lenses for wedding photography. Wide angle, telephoto, etc... What will work best? As much information that can be provided will be very helpful.

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February 26, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  To answer part 1 of your question...
Use a wide aperture (f-2.8 or f-4), and focus on the subject. (Note...Telephoto lenses have less effective depth of field than standard or wide angle lenses, and up to f-8 will yield acceptable results.

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February 26, 2004


Jon Close
  You can acheive shallower depth of field by (a) setting a larger aperture (smaller f-number), and/or (b) getting closer to your subject and putting the background farther behind them.

I'll defer to any posters who do weddings for a living, but my observation has been they commonly use (when using 35mm instead of medium format) a 50 f/1.4 and/or a good mid-range zoom like 28-70 f/2.8 for most full-length portrait, group and candid shots, and maybe a 100 f/2 or 135 f/2.8 for head & shoulder portraits. They also tend to bring along 2-3 portable light stands and a tripod for the posed shots, plus a high-powered (with external batter pack) flash mounted on a bracket (to eliminate red-eye and lessen shadows) for candids.

A more modest rig that I've used as an attendee gathering family and friend candids that the hired pro may miss is just a 28-105 f/3.5-4.5 with good high powered accessory flash on the camera.

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February 26, 2004

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