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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Picture effects

I am trying to learn how to make the subject stand out, and blur the backgroud. Can someone give me some advice on how to make that happen.

Also, can someone recommend some good lenses for wedding photography. Wide angle, telephoto, etc... What will work best?

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February 26, 2004


doug Nelson

If I were shooting a wedding, I'd use the 50mm. It is likely to be the very sharpest lens the camera maker sells, as well as the cheapest.

For group shots, use a 35mm or a 28, but keep people away from the edges of the frame, as most lenses distort, at least a little, at the edges. If the wide angle is at the wide end of a zoom, you can be sure it will distort at the edges. I'd use a zoom, ONLY, if it is in the professional class, such as Canon's "L" series.

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February 26, 2004

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