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Photography Question 

Linda Kessler

How to shoot distant citiscapes

How could I shoot a portrait and a distant citiscape with enough light on the subject's face and the citiscape with detail, not washed/burned out. I rarely use a flash for portraiture, using mostly natural window light. I imagine I would need a flash. If so, I have a non-TTl Vivitar, with red, yellow and blue settings. Would I shoot for ambient light, opening up one stop on the flash from what the exposure reads using a middle grey of the portrait's clothes as a reference? ex, exposure is 60 at F11, put the flash on f8?

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February 10, 2004


Jon Close
  Yes, shoot for ambient light, with the flash as fill. "Red, Yellow, and Blue" settings are choices of different flash exposure programs. Choose the one that gives you the desired aperture and subject to flash distance. If you think the flash will provide too much light (ie, flash sensor reading dark clothing and background) and wash out your subject's face, close the aperture down a stop from the program's setting.

To give more exposure to the cityscape background you will probably need a longer shutter speed than the 1/60 & higher typically used in snapshot style flash pictures. This is called "dragging the shutter" or "slow-sync". To avoid ghosting your subject needs to stay still while the shutter is open and not just for the flash.

How you balance the background and flash exposure is up to you.

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February 11, 2004


Jon Close
  Sorry, pressed enter too soon.

How you balance the background and flash exposure is up to you. Suppose proper background exposure is 1/8 @ f/8. Use that if you want the background to be as well exposed as the subject. Some like the subject to "pop" out a little from the background, so they balance the background -1 or -2 stops less than the subject, so instead of 1/8 they'd set shutter speed to 1/30.

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February 11, 2004


Linda Kessler
  Thanks, Jon. Do I have this right? Do I take a reading for the internal light meter according to the distance of the subject (a middle grey tone) which is just a few feet away or the citiscape which is hundreds of feet in the distance? Or do I adjust for the color of the flash according to the distance of the citiscape or subject again? And, then do I open up one stop on the flash for ambient or one stop longer on the shutter?


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February 11, 2004

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