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Photography Question 

Alana H. Shores

Skin tones too pink/red with flash

I have a Vivitar 636Af flash on my Nikon camera. Several times I have gotten back pictures with the skin tones too reddish. This has happened on different films types, most recenly on the new Kodak high definition film. Can anyone tell me why this is, and I was wondering if there is a filter that will help correct this )or help with skin tones overall)when shooting indoors with flash. I usually shoot Fuji NPH 400 or Kodak Royal line of films. Thank you. Hope Shores

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February 03, 2004


  Try Fuji NPS 160 or Kodak Portra 160 NC film. These are more neutral color films. If it still comes out too reddish, probably the photo lab put too much emphasis on the red color. Hope this helps.

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February 03, 2004

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