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Photography Question 

Diane Dupuis

Blurry photos and lighting at sports events

  Wrestling Montage - advice neede!
Wrestling Montage - advice neede!
automatic mode, zoomed, in badly lit gym... why blurry? dark with flash? any advice?

Diane Dupuis

OK - several problems... I'm using a Fujifilm 2600 digital camera, in a badly lighted gym (with those horrible lights!). The photos without flash are much brighter, but completely blurry (I know I didn't move that much!)... Any suggestions on taking action pictures in this kind of situation (I have to zoom, I'm not close enough to the action - also need to be able to move around...). Any advice would be appreciated!

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January 21, 2004


Davin Edridge
  Hello All,

The top two (2) photos are due to camera shake (you are moving the camera when taking the photo - usually due to hand holding the camera when it should be on a tripod) - why do I say this - becasue not only the main subject is blurry - but so are the background subjects - eg the chairs.
The bottom left photo is due to your camera shutter speed again being slow (I like the ghosthing effect in this photo, personally - would crop the distracing chair/human legs from the photo too). It is a similar effect to a delayed flash.
In my opinion the bottom right photo (auto flash) is so dark due to the fact that you are outside the range of the camera flash.
Depending upon the functions/abilities available on your camera - will determine whether you can improve your photos under these lighting conditions.
You will need the fastest shutter speed possible 125th or higher to freeze the action properly.
If you can change the iso/asa setting to 800 or above - that will help.


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January 21, 2004



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