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Photography Question 

Pieter J. Roelofse

Scanning Color Slides

Dear Sir

I have been using the ultra high color saturated Kodak EBX Elite Chrome Extra Color100 slide film for quite a while now with glorious results. One shot I took of a yacht at sunset I am especially proud of. The sun's reflection in the water came out like pure gold, yes, golden and not yellow on the slide. Now my problem. I would like to convert this slide into a digital file. I have tried many of the best photo labs available in my area ( Seattle) and some of the online labs to scan this image with their high res slide scanners. The images I got back on disk however were totally not the same as the one on slide. The sun came out red and the reflections in the water as well. What do I need to do and where do I need to go to have this slide of mine scanned so that the didgital image I get back, looks like my original slide, gold and not shades of red ?

I would truly appreciate any advice or help. Thank you.

Pieter Roelofse
Seattle, WA

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January 12, 2004


doug Nelson
  If it were me, I'd look for a lab, sometimes called a service bureau by publications people, that uses an Imacon drum scanner. The people who have done this for you in the past may not be doing color correction in Photoshop afterward. You'll have to tell the operator you want color as true to the slide as possible.

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January 13, 2004

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