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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to take sports pictures without the red eye

I am very inexperienced with my camera and when I take pictures of my 12 year old son at basketball games all of the pictures have him looking like a demon with red eyes. Please help! What am I doing wrong?

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January 07, 2004


Michael E. Johnson
Amy I too take alot of pictures of my kids Wrestling. I find it depends on the angle of the flash and the eye ball. When I do get one with out my kids having a red eye the ref will have it or somebody else in the background. Even if the red eye reduction is on it still might happen. I usually fix it with Photo Shop LIke the picture I put up.

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January 07, 2004


Jeanne M. Roberts
  If you use a big flash like a Tamaron try bouncing it off the ceiling, you wouldn't believe NO redeye.


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March 04, 2004

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