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Photography Question 

Jon D

Quality K-Mount lens to replace a 28-90 Zoom

Hi all.

Through a series of minor accidents I have all but stuffed the sigma 28-90 Zoom that came with my MZ-60 so am now looking for a replacement. It needs to be AE to be compatible with the camera and I would like to cover the same range. I do have a 50 prime lens already so this is to suplement that.

What would the experienced recommend for a quality zoom in that range? Ideally quite fast as I like to handhold as much as possible.

Thanks for any replies.


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January 05, 2004


Jon D
  I should also mention I do most of my shooting outdoors, landscapes and shots of fly fishing, people outdoors, sightseeing, 4wding and the like. I also do the odd party (strictly as an amatuer). As such I tend to use both ends of the lens, 28 for landscapes and 90 for people shots, as well as the middle although I hope to pick up a prime 28 or so for more serious lanscape work as I develop.

I hope to get into some portrait shooting once I find someone who wants their portrait done but envisage getting a prime lense about 100 or 135 for when I want to do that seriously. I do also have a 100-300 already so I don't need a 28-200 or similar.

Think that's about it!

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January 05, 2004

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