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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Kathy Hobbs

Obtaining website on BetterPhoto

I am real new to this obtaining a website business.
I am told I need a website to be able to put a website address on my business cards and also in my telephone book add.
I need to be able to give the phone book salespeople a website address before the phone book is published but I don't have all my images scanned and ready to create one yet.
Can I pay for a Deluxe website now and then in another month or less go ahead and get it up with my pictures on it?
I know nothing about how to do all this but I do have a friend who already has a website on Better Photo who is going to help me with it.
Thank You
Kathy Hobbs

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December 20, 2003

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Well, I guess if you're going to put a website address on business cards, you would need a website. Or course, you could fake it, I won't tell anybody.
How this works is you pay for the kind of websites they offer, depends on how many pictures you want to be able to put on it.
You pick your domain name, like kathy or or whatever. Then you wait for the betterphoto people to set it up, as in domain name registration, then in about a week-week& 1/2 they email you that it's ready. Then you start putting your pictures on it.
They'll explain to you the stuff about options on how it looks, font styles, background color.

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December 20, 2003 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Hi Kathy,
It's no problem to start setting up a Deluxe Web site now. You can choose your Domain Name right away so you'll know what to write for your ad, but you don't have to upload all your photos until you want to. Please feel free to call Heather toll-free in the order department 888-58-ORDER or email Denise at with any other questions you have.

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December 22, 2003

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