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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Very Concerned,w/white,bubble spots on pics

Hello hoping someone can help me w/this question. My husband uses our digital camera for family parties etc. We just discovered white spots like bubbles on them. He had taken 5 photos and the spots appeared in differnt spots in each pic. Not to sound crazy but when we zoomed in on them we saw faces and it has kind of spooked us. So we did some reasearch on this and came up w/paranormal stuff. Can someone come up w/a logical explanation why that happened and why? Thankyou,I hope someone has the answer to this as I have been upset after seeing those pics.

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December 20, 2003

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  Somebody before had problems with white spots on their digital pictures and I've seen other pictures that had faint white spots on them. The pictures I've seen where from a low level camera. My guess was that it would be from a poor quality recording ability and that you are getting noise in the form of double images. Like how a tv that has poor reception has faint ghost images in the picture.
Or, take some pictures in a graveyard and see what you get.

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December 20, 2003

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