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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

preserving polaroids

Is there a way to preserve polaroid photos as they tend to yellow with age. My baby died at birth and a polaroid was the only camera available to us. These are the only photos we have of him and we don't want them to become damaged with age.

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December 17, 2003


Tim Devick
  I don't know of any way to preserve the actual polaroid. You might email Polariod corporation and ask them. What you might want to do, though, is get a high quality scan of your polaroid at a professional camera shop and have them either give you a CD with the scanned file on it or have them save it to a film negative. As long as you have a film negative and you take proper care of the negative, you should be able to make more prints of it any time you like an the negative should last a very, very long time.

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December 19, 2003

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