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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

People problems

Ok, I am a complete beginner (considering I'm a teen) and whenever I am at an event like a play or sports I have my digital camera handy. I love pictures of people in their truest moments, when they don't know there is a camera around. Every time I develope the pictures and show my family my dad gets mad because I don't know the people in the picture. So basically my question is, am I gonna have a problem with copyright issues or anything like that down the road if the person in the photo hasn't given written consent to be photographed?

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December 05, 2003

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  You mean putting you pictures on display somewhere? Because you took the picture, the picture is copyrighted by you. But as far as using the picture, you would need consent from the person you took the picture of if you were to use it commercially, such as one of your play or sports photos, if you were to take a picture of somebody and you wanted to make posters of it and sell them in a store, you'd have to get their consent.
But if it's for editorial,i.e. newspapers, you wouldn't need it. Or to enter them in a photo contest, you wouldn't need it.
You don't need permission to photograph somebody, especially in a public place.
A place that isn't public, you may want to see if there's anybody that would have a problem with you taking pictures, just as an etiquette thing.

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December 06, 2003 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  While it's true that you don't need a model release to take a picture of anyone you just happen to see, you do in fact need a model release for most photo contests. For example, our contest at BetterPhoto requires participants to have model releases. If you were to win a prize or make money from a photo with a recognizable person in it, and you didn't have a model release, the person photographed could make a case that they deserve part or all of the prize.

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December 15, 2003

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