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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Laljit S. Sidhu

Indoor versus Outdoor photography

After reviewing my photographs recently, I have noticed a relatively disturving trend.

My indoor is unbelievably poor when compared to my outdoor work. I am by no means a master outdoor photograph, but for some reason my indoor photograph does't even meet my own standards and I am having a difficult time figuring out what I am doing wrong.

For whatever reason, when I take photographs indoors they become little more than snapshots AT BEST. Often, they aren't even worthy of classification as snapshots.

The problems I have noticed include composition faults, technical inaccuracies, and lighting anomalies.

I realize this is a broad question and I am not asking for specific feedback as I know what the errors are ... the question I have is ... any suggestions on how to overcome the psychological block that appears to be preventing me from recreating indoors what I am capable of out of doors.

Thanks in advance.

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November 23, 2003


Imrahil Dol Amroth
  I have the same cursed problem.

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November 25, 2003

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