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Photography Question 

Gary W. Lake

How do you obtain press credentials?

I have been looking into this for a bit and have found a lot of "membership" sites that will issue you press credentials once you join their society, etc. Are any of these legit? Will any of these work? As a freelancer how do you obtain the press credentials needed to cover media and sporting events?

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November 06, 2003


Tony Sweet
  As far as I know, any "credentials" offered for joining something is bogus. Anyone who checks these things will know it's a toy and not the real deal. I think that there is always some space set aside for freelancers at sports events, but my guess is that these positions are minimal and extremely political. One way is to get involved as a freelancer with AP or UPI or a European magazine. Chances are, unless you know someone, you will need to be affiliated with a publication to get the access you want.

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November 07, 2003

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