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Photography Question 

Kaarmin M. Ford

Nikon N55 focusing

I just upgraded cameras to a Nikon N55 SLR camera and I am having some trouble getting my subjects to focus properly. The whole "dynamic auto focus" is throwing me kind of off. Can anyone offer some advice for this "more- than-a-beginner, less-than-an-expert" photographer?? Thanks in advance!!
Kaarmin Ford

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November 04, 2003


mustaffa s
  Nikon F55/N55 SLR:
I'm new to this Camera too, but I believe "Dynamic auto focus" is only activeted under "sports" mode, where it is supposed to continuously correct the focus with moving subject/camera. You can either shoot under other mode except "sports" mode or change to Manual Focus.
Note: Make sure the finger pressure on the shutter button does not intermittently on and off on focusing, because if it does, it will focus and re-focus on each pressure, thus you'll think that it's dynamic autofocus.

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June 21, 2004

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