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Photography Question 

Christina Lee

Series Project

I'm planing to shoot a series of my hometown. The problem is, I'm not sure where to begin. How do I start? This a personal project, so I have no time limit.

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October 10, 2003


Tony Sweet
  Why not start with architecture? Then maybe some scenes during all four seasons, if you have four seasons where you are.

Tony Sweet

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October 11, 2003


Piper Lehman
One idea would be to research what has already been done on your home town. Then you can either eliminate the overdone or create your own, unique interpretation of a popular idea.

Start making a list of what you like or dislike about your home town. Chances are good that there is an interesting person hiding around somewhere who is connected to your town's history in some way that has yet to be studied. Start with your own family. Did you grow up there? Do you have relatives around? Get out your reporter hat and start asking questions.

Check out the archives of your local newspaper. Who's been featured in the past for adding something to your community? Knowing the history of your community/town will offer up tons of ideas. Examples: Who's the oldest person in your town? Have they lived there their entire life? What's the oldest building? What's special about your town? Why do people decide to live there?

Good luck with your project, and remember, it's YOURS. You are allowed to change your mind along the way. The more you find out and the more you shoot, the closer you'll get to what really interests you and what will make the best subject(s).

Just start shooting and the ideas will come.

Good luck!

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October 12, 2003

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