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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Action shots in dark gym

I have Nikon-N75 with 70-300 zoom- F4 --I used 1600 speed film on the sports setting.......great color blurred images unless practially standing still. When I set A and S action, dark and very grainy. When I used flash (not suppose to) great light but shutter only went to else can I about using 400-800 speed film....yes or no?? Not a major $$ job but want good pictures to sell myself for future customers.

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October 01, 2003


John A. Lind
Going down in film speed from ISO 1600 to a slower ISO 400 or 800 film will only make the situation worse, not better. The required shutter speed will only increase to compensate for the slower film (without flash; with flash it will demand twice the light from it).

Are all the lights on in this gym? The situation as you depicted it is horridly dark for even a middle school gymnasium. With ISO 1600 film in the average hockey or basketball arena, or bowling alley you should be at about 1/125th second (without flash).

If you're not allowed to use a flash, and cannot get more lighting, you're pretty much stuck. About the the only thing left is a very fast long lens (180mm - 250mm f/2.8 or f/2), which is extremely expensive (several thousand $ new). You've done just about all you can do otherwise . . . unless you can get the gym lights cranked up somehow.

-- John

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October 02, 2003

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