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35mm vs. 35mm slr

What is the difference between a 35mm and a 35mm slr?

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September 26, 2003


Bob Cammarata
  Generally, you will find two basic styles of 35mm cameras,....those with a viewfinder, and SLR's, (or Single Lens Reflex). Most point-and-shoot cameras come with a viewfinder, or window of view for the user to compose
his or her shot. The actual lens is located below this window.
An SLR camera utilizes a series of mirrors which allows the photographer to view the scene through the lens.
SLR's are the preferred choice of many photographers.

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September 26, 2003


John A. Lind
To amplify a little on what Bob already posted . . .

35mm refers to the film format (i.e. size). SLR is the type of camera. The two are independent. Other types of cameras include viewfinder, rangefinder, and twin lens reflex (for 35mm use this is usually a medium format TLR with a 35mm film adapter). The difference among them is how the camera is designed to facilitate its user aiming and focusing it. If someone simply states that it's a 35mm camera, it could be any one of these types.

-- John

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September 28, 2003


John A. Lind
To amplify a little on what Bob already posted . . .

35mm refers to the film format (i.e. size). SLR is the type of camera. The two are independent. Other types of cameras include viewfinder, rangefinder, and twin lens reflex (for 35mm use this is usually a medium format TLR with a 35mm film adapter). The difference among them is how the camera is designed to facilitate its user aiming and focusing it. If someone simply states that it's a 35mm camera, it could be any one of these types.

-- John

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September 28, 2003

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