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Photography Question 

Sherry House

Slide Film ( transparencies)

I want to start using slide film but I was told that I couldn't really use the meter in the camera, like I do with color film. So how do I use slide film if I can't use the meter?

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May 22, 2000


John A. Lind
  Not true. You *can* use the meter in your camera! Just set your camera metering for the ISO of the film as you would for negative films.

What is a little different about slide films is they have a narrower latitude. This is how much light it takes to go from pure black to pure white on the film. It means they are less forgiving about exposure error. They will be more noticeable.

I've been using transparency for some time with various different cameras and built-in meters without any problems except for mistakes I've made, not the camera or its meter. Watch for odd or highly unusual lighting situations that can "fool" your camera's metering system. Backlit subjects are among the trickiest situations.

-- John

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September 29, 2000

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