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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


i just had a roll of film developed. 1 hour processing and at the botoom of the package they wrote:light leak damage.
what does this mean? it is the first time for me. run with Jesus and bless you

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August 16, 2003


Wayne Attridge
  Your pictures will probably have some damage for which you may not know the cause. Light leak damage means that somewhere along the way your film was exposed to light other than through you camera lens. This can happen in several ways. If your camera is old or malfunctioning, stray light may enter the film box past the seals on the door you open to insert the film into the camera. You can have it checked at a camera repair shop if you don't know what to look for yourself. Or someone may have opened the film door while the film was on the spool partway through the roll. Or the film can itself was faulty and leaked light onto the film. One other thing that could cause this, the lab may have accidentally exposed your film to some stray light during processing (which they probably would not fess up to). Hope this helps.

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August 17, 2003


Tiffany M. Barkevich
  Hey John,
Wayne is right. your camera might have a minor dissfuncton where maybe it wont close all the way(while looking like it is closed). And also, some unprofessional photoshops will not fess up to their mistakes.THe only other reason that I can think of is maybe you loaded the film kinda weird and caused a flaw. but honestly, I used to work in a photo lab, and you really have to NOT know what you are doing to screw up the processing in that sort of way. All that I can say is,dont automatically blame the lab people. I have had this happen to me.... and it SUCKS!!!!!! even though he brought in 3 rolls of film, he still claimed that it was my fault. look at the negatives and see if the blank spaces are black or clear. that will make a major difference. let us know.

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August 17, 2003

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