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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Micro vs. Macro? How to get really really close.

I want to get closer than most 'macro' lenses allow. I have stacked extension tubes, used wide angle, and even spun the lense around (that didn't work so well...). I want to get really close without being physicall too close to light something, say an ant, or the iris of an eye. I have a nikon 'micro' and a 'macro' for the hasselblad, but this is not enough. I was told that schneider, and Zeiss make 'micro' lenses, as in Microscope for 4x5 and for Hasselblad, but I cannot find any evidence of this. Please help!

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August 16, 2003


Tiffany M. Barkevich
  Hey Eric
WOW! I havent thought about this in soooo long! I once was wondering the same thing because I too have just stacked extension tubes. I know how annoying it can be. there was this one time I tried to take a photo of a fly ( you know the ones that look like they're coated in gasoline)it was really cool but everytime I went to his " place", I had to get too close to take it and he would fly away.i ended up getting a couple, but they re slightly out of focus because he was ready to take off. Please let me know if you get any answers. all of the places that I have been to did not carry any sort of microw lenses. then again, I might be looking in the wrong places.

Thanks for reminding about this topic,
Tiffany Barkevich

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August 16, 2003

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