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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to Eliminate Reflective Glare

I would like to take digital pictures of each page of my old photo albums. However, I get a reflective glare even without the flash. Anyway to eliminate this?

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August 11, 2003


Michael Kaplan
  Taking pictures like that is a little tricky. 1st of all you can try using a polarizing filter over your lens. That help eliminate reflected light at certain angles ie: helps remove glare. Also try to use soft diffused light at different angles. Maybe bounce a light or 2 off some white sheets. You need that type of diffused light to thelp take away glare and give an even lighting with no points of light showing.

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August 12, 2003


Maynard McKillen
  Dear Hebeda:
Can you describe the album pages in more detail? Is it, for example, the type where the photos adhere to the page, and then a clear sheet of plastic or acetate covers the entire page? If so, you may be able to simply "peel up" that plastic page, and solve the reflection problems.
I wonder what makes you want to photograph the entire page, and not individual photos? Of course, you'd get better quality reproductions if you shot the photos individually, but perhaps you've put them on the page in a collage form, or some similar manner, or perhaps your camera will not allow you to get close enough, or zoom in enough, to capture indivivual photos. Or perhaps you have so many photos that the idea of reshooting them individually is daunting.
Michael's ideas about diffuse lighting may help, too. Imagine two diffuse light sources, positioned not right on either side of the camera, but a few feet back from the album page, almost facing each other more than aimed at the page. This light strikes the page at a glancing angle, greatly reducing potential glare.
You might try this, too. Get a piece of black construction paper or tagboard, cut a hole in the middle that is just large enough for the camera lens to fit through, and shoot the photos. The black tagboard prevents the camera, you, and anything behind the camera from being reflected by the album page, but very indirect light still strikes the album pages from the sides. Make sense?

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August 14, 2003

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