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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Purchasing a digital camera


I've been really trying hard not to buy a digital camera, just because I feel the quality of the pictures I have seen have been far inferior to that of regular cameras (I have a SLR). However, I think I've finally come to the point of needing one. Is there one that can provide superior pictures (I use a local developer) I will be happy with? Thanks so much!

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August 08, 2003


Michael Kaplan
  Actually DSLR's have come to the point to be able to take better pictures than 35mm SLR's and the 'Now' factor; seeing the picture right away, seeing a histogram, knowing whether to re-shoot with different parameters is the greatest reason alone to go digital.

There are many resources on the net that have comparisons to film vs. digital. Here are some to start you off:
Digital vs Film Scans:

If you do a google search you will find many discussions about this topic.

Now, which camera? That would possibly depend on what equipment you currently own and your budget and needs. If you currently have Nikon autofocus lenses, then you would look towards various Nikon or Fuji S2 DSLR. If you have Canon EOS lenses than the Canon 10D, 1D or 1Ds which is the current leader in pixel quality.

I have the Canon 10D. A 1500.00 marvel and written up by everyone as the best in it's class. I came from a Canon A-1 which had manual focus lenses so I needed to buy the complete system anyway. After doing a lot of research and getting my feet wet with the Fuji S602 (a DSLR style of camera with fixed 6x zoom lens), Canon had just released the 10D and for me it was the clear winner. If you want to see any examples btw, the link to my site is below.

The 1D is more for the professional sports photographer and the 1Ds the current ultimate in digitalSLR cameras but at a hefty $7-8000 body only. If you are interested in the 1Ds, see the review at the Luminous-Landscape site listed above.

Hope this helps you.
Michael Kaplan
Canon EOS-10D

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August 09, 2003

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