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Photography Question 

Zerina Phillip

Can Someone Copy Your Photo

Recently someone said to me, I can copy and print yor picture from your gallery. Is this true?


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August 01, 2003


Shirley L. Carpenter
  Yes they can but you get everything else with it also.....I just tried it to see after reading your question........I guess we will have to print our name across the picture before we enter in contest......Or Maybe Jim can come up with something????What do you think Jim??????

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August 01, 2003 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
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  Yes, some photographers prefer to place their name across their photo... it's up to you.

For Deluxe Site customers, we provide an option where you can turn on or off JavaScript image protection. This protection disables the user's ability to click their right mouse button (as when they are trying to get to the "Save this Image" command).

However, the nature of the Web makes it practically impossible to truly stop a determined thief. You see, you are publishing the photos by putting them on a Web site. Once they are out there, there is not much you can to do make them unavailable (both to the good people and the bad thieves).

You do have a few options, though. One is the aforementioned JavaScript protection. This deters "casual image thieves" - innocent people who just don't know any better. To stop the die-hard evil thieves in their tracks, you can:

a) Keep your images relatively small (like we do here). Web display requires much less resolution than print. Therefore, if you keep your images small, the thief at least can't print your images or try to sell them for print production (where most of the money-making occurs in the photography world).

b) Watermark your images, as Shirley suggests. Use Photoshop or another program to put your name and a copyright symbol on your picture.

c) Use special software that digitally marks your images, making them unviewable by anyone without the same special software. I don't recommend this method if you are interested in sharing or selling your photographs. By using it, you are forcing potential clients and other viewers to install special software. They will rarely do this and, thus, you will immediately lose your audience as well as your potential customers.

The other thing you can do is register each of your images with the US Copyright office. This will at least give you a legal leg to stand on, if you ever have to take an image thief to court.

I hope my honesty doesn't frighten you. The truth of the matter is that the benefits of publishing and promoting your work on the Web far outweigh these potential risks.

Hope this helps!

P.S. If you would like learn more about Deluxe Web Sites, visit:

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August 10, 2003

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