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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Inexpensive Color Management Software

I've read about color management software that corrects color on your monitor, scanner and printer so you actually print what you actually see on the screen. Is there an inexpensive color management software that you can recommend?

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July 29, 2003


Darrell Moseley
I am having the same issue (looking for that inexpensive software) Your post was back in July. Did you have any success in finding software that didn't break the bank? Any other input would be great.


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October 01, 2003


Darrell Moseley
I am having the same issue (looking for that inexpensive software) Your post was back in July. Did you have any success in finding software that didn't break the bank? Any other input would be great.


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October 01, 2003

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