BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Beginning Photography Tips

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to Learn More

I am kind of budding in the art of photography, and, due to time constraints and non-flexible work schedules, can't take a class. Is there a book that you would suggest I read to learn more about photography in general? Also, while on an excursion downtown at the aquarium, I noticed a gentleman with a digital camera that got a great picture in a place with low lighting where my light meter kept telling me "ain't gonna happen!" Are digital cameras any better at getting quick pictures in low lighting with lots of motion?

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July 17, 2003


Michael Kaplan
  To answer your first question, I don't personally know of any particular book but there is so much free stuff available on the net it is amazing. Just do a search using any search engine like for example. Search on any topic and you will get so many replies your head will spin. There is a lot of good stuff available. Also you can do a search in different newsgroups or forums on the topics you have interest in or also which books are good as there are a lot of opinions. I can give you a few url's to a site just to get you started on your quest though.
as well as this site btw.

2) Are digital cameras any better at getting quick pictures in low lighting with lots of motion?
Yes, and No! Digital or not makes no difference. A shutter speed at a given aperture will or will not be good enough to freeze the motion. The advantage to digital is that especially with DSLR’s, you can increase the ISO on demand which will allow you to increase your shutter speed and the noise levels on the better cameras like the Canon 10D are better than their film equivalent. The 10D btw has ISO up to a usable 3200. That is 5 extra stops if you really need it.

You will have less noise (digital grain) at ISO800 on the 10d than if you used a ISO800 film. It also depends on the camera as some of the 'point and shoot' cameras may have wider lenses so you can capture the photo at faster speeds than the film equivalent. In SLR’s a lens with an F2 is usually higher prices where many P&S camera may have this or faster lenses built-in.

The other thing digital gives you is the ability to tae many more pictures without wasting film and the expense of printing your pictures just to find out you wasted your money an all the bad pics. With Digital you can shoot to your hearts content (or till your card is full ;))

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July 17, 2003


Maynard McKillen
  Dear Renee:
In case you didn't see Michael's note, Jim Miotke has a book on photography , available right here at this website.
And did you read about the online classes available here?. They'd actually fit in well if you can't easily travel to a site on a regular schedule to take a class.

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July 17, 2003


Like you, I have an inflexible work schedule and little free time to devote to my photography. I have found a lot of really good information on web sites, but since I was hoping for a more structured learning environment, I have enrolled in the NYIP course. It covers all the basics, you do it on your own time (you can take up to 3 years),and you have teachers to give you feedback.

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July 22, 2003


Dale Moreau

One thing that I decided after a 20 year hiatus from serious photography was that with the hundreds of photo books and classes out there to choose from, that I would only buy books and/or take classes from someone whose work really grabbed me.

AND that is how I found this site. Bryan Peterson was that photographer and I highly recommend all of his books and of course his classes on line through this website. I have been very pleased with the investments.

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July 23, 2003


Julie L. Curiel
  Patty- How do you like the NYIP course? I am debating on taking it. I am unsure if I have enough high tech equipment though. What kind of gear does it require? I have a Fuji Finepix S602, tripod, a couple of nice filters, a telephoto and wide angle lens and that's about it. Will that be enough for the class?

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July 29, 2003


Napier Williams

I am based in Europe, Ireland. Your question ws asked in the Sunday Times newspaper. The response was to recomend an e-book available on at £24.50 download (over 50MB) or on CD £30.50. I have not read the book but the details on web site look tempting.

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July 30, 2003

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