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Nikon Flash SB50-DX or SB80-DX?

I bought my Nikon N80 in part because of the built-in 3D Matrix Flash. I got tired of changing power settings & apertures while following my nephew around.

I think I need a flash that is both more powerful and not so close to the lens (to avoid red-eye and to create better shadows) and I am considering the SB50-DX and the SB80-DX.

The uses for flash I currently have are chasing my nephew both indoors (for stopping the action) and outside (fill-flash), getting good shots at weddings (but not as the official photographer), office parties in fluorescent lit conference rooms, and after hours networking evenings for my alma mater in dark bars & restaurants.

The advantages I see to the SB80 are the higher guide number, the "Incremental Auto Zoom" (is this really useful?) and the super high sync speeds.

Drawbacks are the weight and cost.

Has anyone used both or have a clear favorite between the two?


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June 26, 2003

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