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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


How do you make a stream fuzzy like white water cloudy fuzzy?

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May 06, 2000


Romen Vargas
  You need a few things for this: 1) A tripod and 2) fast-flowing water. The faster the water the nicer the effect. I tried this with moderate speed water and it just didn't turn out the way I wanted to. The tripod is there because you need a longer exposure. Use the smallest aperture possible on your camera so you can have a slower shutter speed. Aim for shutter speeds that are longer than 1 second... this is where the tripod comes in useful because you need to hold that camera steady. Try this with waterfalls also. If you can't achieve slow shutter speeds try getting a slow film (ISO 100 or slower) and/or using a neutral filter.

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May 07, 2000

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