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Rollei 35S flash bracket

Does anyone know where I can purchase a Rollei 35S flash bracket and hot shoe adapter?

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April 28, 2003


John A. Lind
  Wow! You likely don't know this, but it's a tall request. You cannot buy them "new" and they went out of production about the same time the Rollei 35S/35T/35SE/35TE did nearly 20 years ago.

I've got one but it's ***not*** for sale!!!!

They are rare . . . but don't sell for much either (unlike other camera rarities). Rollei/Honeywell did not make many. They were a very low demand accessory then and still are (why they're rare but don't cost much when one turns up). Even when one can be found, it's usually missing the hot shoe adapter. If you do turn one up, *ensure* there is also a hot shoe -> PC adapter. They're worthless without one. Had to keep my eyeballs peeled for about 5 years. It was on my list of things to look for whenever I found or visited a source of used equipment.

Even though I have one, and use it occasionally, it's often easier to simply put the flash into the hot shoe and invert the camera. Been doing that for over 20 years with my Rollei 35S. Operate shutter release with left thumb and wind with right thumb. Consciously work with hand positions and which fingers do what for a while. You will find a combination for yourself that will work without being that awkward.

-- John

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May 01, 2003

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