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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Paula Vergara

nightime photography

What is the best type of film to use for nighttime photography? I've tried taking images of the moon a few times using 100 ISO or 50 ISO using the bracketing method, but they come out blurry. Any ideas?


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April 17, 2003


Jon Close
  You're probably giving the moon too much exposure because your meter is responding to all the black sky around the moon. With overexposure the moon becomes just a glaring white spot with no detail. If the shutter speed is longer than about 1/4 second, then the moon and stars begin "steaking" due to the earth's rotation.

The moon is brightly lit by the sun and so a variation of the "sunny 16" rule applies ("moony 8"). For a full moon start with f/8 and a shutter speed of 1/film ISO (eg. 1/125 or 1/90 for ISO 100). This site,

has a table with adjusted exposures for different moon phases.

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April 17, 2003

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