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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

vertical line of light on left side of prints

Hi, I've got an older slr camera. It seems like at least 3 or 4 pictures from every film have a line of light from top to bottom on the left side. Is there a problem with the camera? If so, why is it not every print?

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April 13, 2003


Jon Close
  Check the negatives to see if the line appears there too. Does your slr have manual film advance? My guess is that once in a while the film advance lever is not stroked fully. The shutter cocks, but the film doesn't advance quite as far as it should, so that there is uneven spacing between the images. You'll get a full image without the stripe on the negatives, but your pictures are being printed on an automatic printing machine that advances doesn't adjust for the different spacing between your images.

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April 13, 2003

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